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Fast Facts

Introducing you to extinct species.

Ukrainian migratory lamprey



1. Ukrainian migratory lamprey, Eudontomyzon sp. 'migratory', lacked scales and gill covers, breathing through 7 openings. 2. Lampreys are primitive fish not eels. 3. Lampreys are parasites with around 150 teeth and a rough tongue used for drilling a hole through flesh. 4. Lampreys prefer to latch onto a fish closest to the heart and drink their body fluids. 5. Lampreys have poor vision and rely on their sense of smell to find prey. 6. The Ukrainian migratory lamprey is the only extinct lamprey, but little is known about this species. 7. Each female lamprey lays 100,000. 10,000 will hatch. 8. The Greek Brook lamprey is critically endangered. 9. Niagara Falls was once a natural barrier keeping the now invasive sea lamprey from entering the Great Lakes. 10. Lampreys do not seem to seek out human blood even though some movies and shows depict this. 11. On December 1, 1135 King Henry I died from lamprey poisoning, from eating too many at once. According to, a person should only eat 2 - 4 servings of lamprey per month.


Facing the light at the end of the tunnel


Late 1800's?

The Ukrainian migratory lamprey was declared extinct in 2008, but little is known about its habit, range, or extinction story making it a short, mysterious tale. If more is uncovered, I will add it to this entry. Although Jurassic Park is fiction, scientists are working on several de-extinction projects. In fact, in 2003 scientists did bring back the extinct Pyrenean ibex, a type of wild goat, for 7 minutes before it died, showing de-extinction is possible. The Ukrainian migratory lamprey would not be a good candidate. So little is known about its habits and the DNA samples seem to be lacking at this time. Perhaps samples may be uncovered in a museum collection, but the Ukrainian migratory lamprey seems to have gone the way of the dodo with no hope of return to the rivers of the Ukraine.


Short stories of return

The Ukrainian migratory lamprey's Lazarus tale has yet to be written, but what adventures will await it when it returns to the rivers in the Ukraine? Stay tuned to find out.

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A museum specimen of a lamprey
Image from UCL's Grant Museum of Zoology

 Specimen of a lamprey
Image from UCL's Grant Museum of Zoology

Head and mouth of a lamprey
Image from UCL's Grant Museum of Zoology

A drawing of a lamprey by Georges Cuvier in 1828
Image fromหน้าหลัก

Painting of European lampreys in various phases of development
Image from Wikimedia Commons

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Image from Eaten Alive on YouTube

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Only 2 - 4 servings of lampreys are recommended
Image from

Lamprey Girl by Bill McGuire
Image from Red Bubble

Kiss a Lamprey?
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The Parasite Fish
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Happy Lamproween 
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