Fast Facts
Introducing you to extinct species.

1. The spined dwarf mantis, Ameles fasciipennis, is the only extinct mantis species. 2. It lived in the Tolentino area of eastern Italy. 3. The only specimen ever collected was a 1 inch male in 1871. 4. It was named in 1963 by Alfred Kaltenbach, an Austrian entomologist. 5. Multiple attempts have been made to relocate it since its extinction with no success. 6. It was similar to the European dwarf mantis, so could probably range in color from brown to green to gray. 7. It most likely wouldn’t have been able to fly like its closest relative. 8. The male and female spined dwarf mantises would have looked different from one another, with a slender male and more robust female. 9. After mating, the female most likely would have eaten her mate’s head. 10. The female would have created a ootheca, which was a styrofoam-like nest to protect her eggs until the nymphs hatched.
Facing the light at the end of the tunnel
The spined dwarf mantis was only ever collected once in the Tolentino region of Italy in 1871. Its small size and ability to camouflage would have made it extremely difficult to capture or observe. It wasn’t even identified as a unique species until 1963 when Alfred Kaltenbach realized the solo specimen had unique genitalia, making it a distinct species from other dwarf mantises. Many attempts have been made to relocate the spined dwarf mantis since its extinction with no results. The spined dwarf mantis probab;y went extinct due to habitat destruction. Since it most likely couldn’t fly, habitat fragmentation would have been a genetic bottleneck for the species. Although Jurassic Park is fiction, scientists are working on several de-extinction projects. In fact, in 2003 scientists did bring back the extinct Pyrenean ibex, a type of wild goat, for 7 minutes before it died, showing de-extinction is possible. The spined dwarf mantis would probably not be a good candidate unless genetic material could be used from the one specimen that is well over 100 years old. There are efforts throughout Europe, including Italy to help restore habitat and native species to their original wild ranges. Organizations like Rewilding Europe are currently working with governments to set aside land and create National Parks. Rewilding Europe is currently working on rebuilding 10 native environmental regions in Italy. There are currently 8 projects working to reintroduce native wildlife into their native regions of Italy including the griffon vulture, bald ibis, and Alpine lynx. If the spined dwarf mantis was brought back, would it be able to return to its native hunting grounds in Tolentino, Italy?
The spined dwarf mantis's Lazarus Tale has yet to be written. Would it be able to thrive again in Tolentino, Italy if it did return?
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The male specimen found in the Vienna Museum
Image from NHM Vienna
Facts about the Spined Dwarf Mantis
Rewilding Europe - Conservation Efforts

A photograph of the lone specimen of spined dwarf mantis
Image from Wikipedia

The seal of Tolentino, Italy
Image from Wikipedia

A map showing the homeland region of the spined dwarf mantis
Image from Wikipedia

A spined dwarf mantis illustration by @artscience_uzh
Image from

A photo showing female decapitating a male after mating
Image from Mint

The European dwarf mantis is related to the extinct species
Image from Wikipedia