Fast Facts
Introducing you to extinct species.

1. There are 4 species of marmot that are listed as extinct in several places, but not much is known about them. Marmota arizona (Arizona marmot), Marmota minor (lesser marmot), and Marmota vetus (The Old Groundhog) are known from the fossil record. Marmota robusta (Robust marmot) was an extinct subspecies of the Himalayan marmot, though research is conflicting. 2. There are 15 species of marmot today. The Vancouver Island marmot is a highly endangered species with a low of just 30 individuals in 2004. There are currently 251 in the wild today. 3. The marmots are the heaviest species of ground squirrel. The robust marmot, being a subspecies of the Himalayan marmot, weighed 20 pounds and stood 14 inches tall. 4. The Himalayan marmot lives in the Himalayan Mountains and on the Tibetan Plateau where it is known as the “Tibetan snow pig”. They live in the areas between the tree line and permanent snow limit. 5. The robust marmot, like the Himalayan marmot, would have been eaten by Tibetan wolves, golden eagles, foxes, and snow leopards. 6. Unlike some marmots, Himalayan marmots live in colonies. 7. Marmots are known for the ability to hibernate for long periods of time. Himalayan marmots hibernate for 7 ½ months of the year. During hibernation the marmot’s body temperature drops to 37 degrees Fahrenheit, the heartbeat drops to 5 beats per minute, and they only breathe 2 -3 times per minute. Marmots can lose ¼ of their body weight during hibernation. 8. The most well known member of the marmot family is Marmota monax, the groundhog also known as, woodchuck or wood shock from the Algonquin word ‘wuchak’, land beaver, thickwood beaver, bear rat, and whistlepig. 9. Groundhog Day takes place in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on February 2nd. If the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, sees his shadow it will be 6 more weeks of winter, If the groundhog does not see his shadow, it will be an early spring. This tradition was brought to America by German settlers, but they used a badger. Groundhog Day was the German immigrants’ spin on Candlemas, which commemorated the presentation of Jesus at the holy temple in Jerusalem. 10. The first “official Groundhog Day” took place in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in 1887. Phil has seen his shadow 106 times and not seen it only 19 times. His accuracy is 39%. It has been celebrated consistently since 1890, but was not held in 1943 due to WWII. 11. The 1993 film Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray & Andie MacDowell was filmed in Woodstock, Illinois, not in Punxsutawney. According to research Bill Murray's character was stuck in the same day for 33 years and 350 days.
Facing the light at the end of the tunnel
There are 4 species of marmot that are listed as extinct in several places, but not much is known about them. Marmota arizona (Arizona marmot), Marmota minor (lesser marmot), and Marmota vetus (The Old Groundhog) are known from the fossil record. Marmota robusta (Robust marmot) was an extinct subspecies of the Himalayan marmot, though research is conflicting. Although Jurassic Park is fiction, scientists are working on several de-extinction projects. In fact, in 2003 scientists did bring back the extinct Pyrenean ibex, a type of wild goat, for 7 minutes before it died, showing de-extinction is possible. The robust marmot is probably not a good candidate as there do not seem to be any specimens of this species. If DNA would arise and the robust marmot and its three prehistoric ancestors did return, would they be able to survive in their old environments? It seems that the robust marmot in the Himalayas would have space like its relative, the Himalayan marmot which is of least concern. The other three species were from North America, where much is being done in the way of conservation to help other species. The Vancouver Island marmot is a good example of this. In 2003, the wild population had dropped to 21 individuals. Though it’s still listed as one of the rarest mammals in the world, its wild population has climbed to 250. Would the robust marmot be able to survive if it returned to the Himalayas?
The robust marmot's Lazarus tale has yet to be written, but what adventures will await it when it returns to the Himalayas & Tibetan Plateau? Stay tuned to find out.
More to Explore
All answers lead to more questions

The robust marmot was related to the Himalayan marmot and had a similar range
Image from CGTN
Himalayan Marmot - Facts for Kids
Molecular Phylogeny of Marmots
Marmot Recovery Foundation - Protecting Marmots
Academic Accelerator - Marmot Facts
Science of Hibernation Science Journal
NIH - Genetic Evidence for Subspecies Differentiation
All is Not Well with Himalayan Marmot - Video
Wild Kratts - "Groundhog Wake Up Call - Video
Groundhog Day - Punxsutawney Phil FAQ's
Groundhog Day Movie Trailer - Video
Marmots: Fuzzy Little Chonks - Video

"The Moment" (a standoff between a Himalayan marmot and Tibetan wolf) by Yongqing Bao won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019
Image from Forbes
A marmot family tree showing the Himalayan marmot genome
Image from Science Direct

The scientific analysis of the Himalayan marmot group as it relates to adaptations
Image from Science Direct

The Vancouver Island marmot is a critically endangered marmot that's numbers were as low as 21 individuals in 2003 and are now up to 250 in the wild as well as those in a captive breeding program
Image from the Calgary Zoo

A series of postcards depicting all 15 living species of marmot
Image from Marmota Maps

1993's movie, Groundhog Day, showed Bill Murray's character stuck in Punxsutawney reliving the same day over and over again. It was calculated that 33 years and 350 days elapsed within the movie's timeline.
Image from Amazon

Picture from "Gobblers Knob" during our 2007 trip to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania for the Groundhog Day celebration.

Groundhog statues can be found throughout the town

Punxsutawney Phil "emerges" from his stump to make his weather prognostication

Punxsutawney Phil spends his year in an enclosure in the "Groundhog Zoo"in the town's library.

Groundhog ice sculptures and chainsaw art were some of the day's activities to see

A Punxsutawney
Phil Beanie Baby that we used to take on our travels

Phil made it to Hollywood, California

Phil at the Grand Canyon

Phil next to a yellow-bellied marmot in Colorado Springs

Our kids celebrating Groundhog Day with Phil when they were younger

Chris and Martin Kratt pose with a groundhog for Groundhog Day
Image from YouTube