My name is Gene Huston.
I grew up in Trout Run, Pennsylvania helping on my grandparents’ farm where my gram taught me to love animals, especially birds. This sparked a love of nature in me. I have always been fascinated by extinct animals, even naming my dog Auky, after the extinct great auk.
I went to college to pursue a biology degree, but decided I could have a greater influence by teaching elementary school. I have been teaching in Maryland for 20+ years. I have also taught summer camps at the National Zoo.
For 20 years now, I have enjoyed exposing 4th and 5th grade students to literature that will get them to think about things and get into great discussions about a variety of topics. Now that I have three kids of my own I have an even bigger drive to get the next generation excited about understanding how to save currently endangered animals from extinction.
This passion to teach others about wildlife, sparked the idea in me to write a book for kids called, Deader Than a Dodo, that teaches people about extinct creatures as they go on a mission to save the world. To quote one of my favorite superheroes, Captain Planet, when it comes to making a difference for future generations, "the power is yours!"