Fast Facts
Introducing you to extinct species.
1. Goff's pocket gopher, Geomys pinetis goffi, lived in Brevard County Florida. 2. They lived mostly underground. 3. This pocket gopher ate underground vegetation. 4. They preferred the temperate desert and sand coastline habitats. 5. Human population growth and development led to their extinction. 6. The last known Goff's pocket gopher was seen in 1955. 7. There are 34 species of pocket gophers, 13 of which are found in the USA.
Facing the light at the end of the tunnel
Not much is known about the Goff's pocket gopher that once lived in the sandy soil of Brevard County, Florida in the USA. These pocket gophers, like many pocket gophers, created networks of tunnels underground to eat underground vegetation. It is thought the growing human population encroached on the Goff's pocket gopher's habitat causing their extinction by 1955. Although Jurassic Park is fiction, scientists are working on several de-extinction projects. In fact, in 2003 scientists did bring back the extinct Pyrenean ibex, a type of wild goat, for 7 minutes before it died, showing de-extinction is possible. Goff's pocket gopher might be a candidate. Scientists would potentially use DNA from any specimens that have been collected. If the Goff's pocket gopher was brought back from extinction, could it survive in Florida, USA today?
The Goff's pocket gopher's Lazarus tale has yet to be written, but what adventures will await it when it returns to Florida, U.S.A.? Stay tuned to find out.
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Plains pocket gopher
Image from Wikipedia
National Wildlife Federation Pocket Gopher Facts
Goff's Pocket Gopher Scientific Notes
Interesting Pocket Gophers Facts - Video

Map of Florida's
pocket gophers
Image from Bio One

Pocket gopher in a burrow
Image from AZ Animals

University of MInnesota Golden Gophers
Image from Fergus Now
Famous gopher from the movie Caddyshack
Image from Hollywood Reporter
Caddyshack Gopher
Image from Pop Figures

Photo of an Open Mic Night performance of the "Pocket Gophers" at Bloomsburg University