Lazarus Species
Informational Scroll
So You Wanna Be a Lazarus Species?
If you are reading this scroll you must be interested in returning to Earth with the people. We at the Lazarus Management Team are eager to assist you with this admirable pursuit. Please read this informational scroll carefully to ensure that you understand what awaits you upon your return.
Things to remember upon leaving the Garden and returning to Earth include:
“There’s a rhyme and reason to everything.” ~ Eldey
“The rules are simple. If an individual here wants to go back there, they can, as long as they choose to go back to the same location where they were originally placed.” ~ Astuto
“Many of our homeland environments have been devastated since our extinction dates. Any bad experiences back there would be felt by us when we return to the Garden.” ~ Eldey
“When an animal leaves here to return there, one becomes three…If I were to become a Lazarus species and return there, I would start off as three of my kind; a male, a female, and an infant…” ~ Astuto (see diagram below)
“It’s a personal decision most animals here would never consider. You see that there are a lot of perks to being in the Garden and not a whole lot of motivation to go back there. Our fate is a very uncertain thing.” ~ Eldey
Hear what others have said about returning to be with the people:
“People can easily make judgments and overlook an entire group, but give them an individual like yourself to get to know and their hearts are much more compassionate.” ~ Astuto
“Maybe you’ll see people wearing a shirt with your beautiful face on it.” ~ George
“It does seem like things are changing. I told you we just needed to have faith.” ~ Eldey
“The time is right to return with the people. Do you want to join us? ~ Moana & Benjamin
“Thankfully, one of the scientists in the crowd of people realized that Pat (the Bigfoot) was trying to communicate with them using sign language. This seemed to calm their fears. With Pat’s help, we didn’t need to speak to communicate with them.” ~ Eldey
If after reading this scroll you are still interested in returning to Earth, please bring this scroll to the golden tree at the center of the Garden. Feel free to get a drink from the brook and an orange fruit snack on your way. The Great Mission let the people know more extinct species may be returning to join them in the days to come.
Please be advised that all return trips are final and cannot be recalled, altered, or changed once you have returned until or unless your extinction cometh again.
The Lazarus Management Team