Fast Facts
Introducing you to extinct species.

1. The eelgrass limpet, Lottia alveus, was also known as a basket limpet. 2. This limpet was found from Labrador, Canada to New York, USA in the western Atlantic Ocean. 3. The eelgrass limpet was the first marine invertebrate known to have become extinct in an ocean basin in recent times (14 more have been added since the eelgrass limpet's extinction). 4. They were 0.4 inches long. 5. This grazer depended on the Zostera marina eelgrass, and thrived in areas of high salinity. 6. The eelgrass limpet was very common in tide pools on eelgrass in the early 1920's. 7. An outbreak of Wasting Disease (a slime mold) caused the eelgrass population to drop as much as 90% especially in areas of high salinity. 8. Limpets have the ability to suction onto a rock so tight that dislodging them could be fatal to the limpet. 9. The last eelgrass limpet was collected in 1929.
Facing the light at the end of the tunnel
The eelgrass limpet lived in the western Atlantic Ocean from New York to Labrador. This limpet was a highly specialized grazer, depending on Zostera marina eelgrass, especially the meadows of high salinity. Through the 1920's, the eelgrass limpet was very common throughout eelgrass tide pools. Its extinction came swiftly as up to 90% of the eelgrasses it relied on died especially in the areas of high salinity due to a Wasting Disease brought on by the slime mold, Labyrinthula. Without eelgrass to feed on, many limpet populations soon began to die off. Habitat fragmentation limited the limpet's ability to repopulate or find new eelgrasses. The last specimen of the eelgrass limpet was collected in 1929. Although Jurassic Park is fiction, scientists are working on several de-extinction projects. In fact, in 2003 scientists did bring back the extinct Pyrenean ibex, a type of wild goat, for 7 minutes before it died, showing de-extinction is possible. The eelgrass might be a candidate. Scientists would potentially use DNA from any specimens that have been collected. If the eelgrass limpet was brought back from extinction, could it survive in the western Atlantic Ocean today?
Maybe one day this tiny extinct species will have a Lazarus tale of its own to tell, but most likely the eelgrass limpet will continue to stay extinct.
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Museum specimen
Image from Seagrass.Li
World Registery of Marine Specimens (WoRMS) - 1831 Registry
Wild Kratts - Sea Creatures Powers - (Limpets mentioned at 2:15)
Limpet Facts: Animal or Rock? Video
University of Chicago Press Journals
Sea Grass Li - Cornell University Information

1964 movie about a man who turns into a fish, not a limpet.
Image from Amazon

Limpet sketch
Image from Bio Lib

Image from Wikipedia
Limpet Views
Image from Davis Invertebrates
Limpet Size
Image from Bold Systems

Limpet creature power
Image from Wild Kratts Wiki

Limpets of the Salish Sea
Image from Etsy

Limpet art
Image from Red Bubble