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Fast Facts

Introducing you to extinct species.





1. The cryptic treehunter, Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti, was first identified in 1986. 2. It was native to north-eastern Brazil in the humid, moss-covered forests of the Pernambuco region and the Murici Ecological Station at an elevation of 1,600 and 2,000 feet above sea level. 3. The cryptic treehunter is an ovenbird that is part of the Furnariinae subfamily. 4. Only two female specimens were ever collected. 5. The largest specimen was 8.7 inches in length with a pink face and dagger-like beak. 6. It had a black forehead and crown, a cinnamon brown body, and rusty orange tail feathers. 7. In 2007, its song was recorded and described by the Mazar Burnett/Buzzetti team as, “"a fast, dry rattle of 9–62 notes...followed closely by 4–8 loud, raspy notes at a regular pace...increasing slightly in frequency before decreasing suddenly at the end". 8. The cryptic treehunter was listed as critically endangered in 2016 and as extinct in 2019 after much of its range had been cleared for logging, farming, and sugar plantations.


Facing the light at the end of the tunnel



The cryptid treehunter was first described in 1986 from a specimen collected and thought to be a Alagoas foliage-gleaner. Upon further examination it was shown to be a distinct species endemic. in northeastern A private reserve in Pernambuco and the Murici Ecological Station in Alagoas were the only two places that the cryptic treehunter was ever observed. Only two female specimens have ever been collected, though its songs have been recorded (listen to the link below). It was observed in the subcanopy and mid-storey between 1,600 - 2,000 feet above sea level. This limited range may have been the cryptic treehunter’s downfall. Much of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest has been cleared for grazing and sugarcane production. Although much of its former range was in a conservation area, illegal logging continues to pose a threat to that region. Along with the loss of trees, and the fragmentation of its habitat, the loss of plants growing from the trees called epiphytes may also have hur the cryptic treehunter’s survival chances. This bird was last seen in 2007 and formally deemed extinct in 2019 after many efforts to relocate this elusive species. Although Jurassic Park is fiction, scientists are working on several de-extinction projects. In fact, in 2003 scientists did bring back the extinct Pyrenean ibex, a type of wild goat, for 7 minutes before it died, showing de-extinction is possible. The cryptic treehunter might be a good candidate given its recent extinction. Scientists could use DNA from the two female specimens to possibly bring this unique bird back from extinction. Could the cryptic treehunter make a comeback if it was introduced back into the forests of Brazil? Brazil is home to many unique species that live throughout the Amazon. Deforestation continues to be a major issue in this region. For example, 1.9 million acres were cut down in 2022. Estimates show that 28% of Brazil’s original forests still are intact. Brazil’s government has control of 141 million acres of land, and the country is deciding what to do with it. Many areas, like the homerange of the cryptic treehunter are officially protected or reserved, but are still being cut down illegally. Efforts to curb this illegal logging and hunting in protected areas continues to be a struggle in a region so vast. There are renewed efforts and movements within the Amazon region to do more to safeguard this region. If the cryptic treehunters were ever brought back, would they be able to return to their native forests in northeastern Brazil?


Short stories of return


The Afrocyclops pauliani's Lazarus Tale has yet to be written. Would it be able to thrive again in the Madagascar if it did return?

More to Explore
All answers lead to more questions

Artist's drawing of a cryptic treehunter
Image from Birds of the World

Part of a baseball card series of artwork dedicated to recently extinct species 
Image from Mass Extinction 

Photoart by Rolf Grantsau
showing the cryptic treehunter
Image from Monga Bay 

A map showing the shrinking forests in the region of Brazil where the cryptic treehunter once lived
Image from Monga Bay

There are many efforts in Brazil to protect & restore habitats and species there
Image from Iracambi 


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