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Fast Facts

Introducing you to extinct species.




Breaking with the normal flow of these posts, I wanted to highlight the bigger news in the U.S. on extinct species. The United States passed the Endangered Species Act in 1973 as a way to identify and save species from extinction. There are two ways to be removed from the Endangered species list. To recover or to go extinct. The Endangered Species Act has helped save 54 species, like the brown pelican, the humpback whale, California condor, American alligators, and our nation's symbol, the bald eagle to name a few. We love these animals and are glad they are doing well (see logos below). This week 23 more species were also removed from the Endangered Species List. Should we be excited? Well these 23 species have been deemed extinct, since there has been no proof of their existence for 50 or more years. That means these animals are "as dead as a dodo". There is also a 55 day "comment window" for anyone to provide proof of one of these 23 species, but the outlook is bleak for them. Why does it matter? If an animal is on the endangered species list, that animal and its environment are protected. When they are removed, that could change what happens in those areas for other species.


Facing the light at the end of the tunnel


 September 29, 2021


Read the news links below to understand why these 23 creatires are now declared to be extinct. Upcoming posts will focus on some of these 23 creatures like the ivory-billed woodpecker.


Short stories of return


Some of the 23 species may be the focus of upcoming posts. Those species may one day have Lazarus Tales of their own to tell. Stay tuned.

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